Relieving holiday travel constipation

We’ve all been there— I’m sure you’ve noticed your bowels have a tendency to slow down when you’re traveling and out of routine. 

Today I’m sharing five of my favorite suggestions to combat travel constipation— specifically during the holiday season. 

First, start your day with fiber intake. My favorite suggestions are oatmeal with berries or avocado toast on a multigrain bread. Both are high in fiber content and oatmeal is easy to travel with. 

Second, make sure to drink plenty of water. I suggest 60-80 ounces of water per day. Traveling with your own water bottle makes this easier! 

Third, use a stool under your feet to allow the muscles in your pelvis to relax optimally to mitigate straining. 

Additionally, remember to listen to your body— when you get the urge to go, try to be sitting on a toilet within 20 minutes. Ignoring the urge can create a constipation situation. 

And fifth and finally, stay moving to keep things moving. A simple 10-20 minute walk will do wonders for your bowels while traveling. 

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