One thing you can do today to improve your health

What is one thing you can do to improve brain function, spinal disc hydration, digestion, and bladder health, among many other benefits? 

You guessed it–drink water. 

I suggest drinking 60-80 ounces per day, unless advised otherwise from your healthcare provider. If you’re sweating excessively or breastfeeding, then consider increasing by 20 ounces. 

 In the case of water, more is not always better. A gallon of water is not necessary and can actually lead to electrolyte imbalance. 

When you are dehydrated, one of the first places your body pulls water from is the discs in your spine. Additionally, your GI tract, urinary system, and brain thrive when well hydrated. 

In my clinical practice, when patients are experiencing urinary urgency and frequency they tend to decrease their water consumption, though the bladder loves water and consequently their symptoms are exacerbated. Similarly, inadequate hydration can lead to constipation. 

So if you can do one small thing to significantly improve your health across several systems, I would highly advise drinking more water, but not too much. 

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