Exercise & menopause

Which type of exercise is best for menopause and beyond?

It depends which system you are wanting to improve! In general, exercise can help with menopausal symptoms. Movement is medicine, but it’s key to be specific with the type of exercise. 

Moderate intensity interval training can improve/reduce hot flashes. Strength training is best for bone/tendon/muscle health and is shown in research to reduce hot flashed by ~39%.

Yoga and breath work is beneficial for managing stress. Leg strengthening exercises is shown to be preventative against dementia.

All of the previous + flexibility to reduce arterial stiffness is beneficial for heart health. A 20 minute walk is beneficial for constipation and low back pain, and a pelvic floor PT regimen is best for bladder leakage. 

Movement is medicine, and you get to pick which medicine is best for your menopausal related symptoms.

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