C-section birth stories: Bethany Blake

1. Briefly, please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s):

My belly birth was planned because of a previous complicated vaginal birth - shoulder dystocia. It was a decision that I got to be a part of which made it easier for me. Trusting your provider is a must, in this time when everyone has opinions and thinks they are experts from Google. Remembering that your provider is on your side, wants what is best for you and your baby, and is willing to stand by those decisions.

2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:

I was most surprised by how calm the operating room was. It felt cold going in, but I quickly felt warm because the care of the operating room team was tangible. My husband and sister had to wait outside while they prepped me for the surgery, but I never felt alone. It felt like I got to stay involved, with face check-ins from my provider and anesthesiologist, a lowered drape, explanations of who was doing what or why they were present, affirmations and deep breathing, the lights dimming after my baby was born so that everything was more relaxed.

3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:

I had an incredible amount of support from my husband, family, friends, church, and providers. Support is a must. Not just after a cesarean, but after birth in general. I liked having access to professionals when I needed it (my provider, my pelvic floor physical therapists). One of the things that helped the most was having birth photos. It helped me process the birth - see the things I couldn't see and from a different point of view. It really is incredible what our bodies can do!

4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?: 

Your body didn't fail you! It is incredibly strong and resilient. There's a lot of pressure for moms to be "natural" these days and the feelings of failure after a cesarean are rampant. To me, there is nothing more natural than a mother choosing what is best for her child. Listen to me when I say all birth is beautiful.

5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:

It made me realize how strong my body is, how able and resilient it is. It helped me to be thankful and appreciate everything it does for me. My scar is a reminder of that strength. I still look at it and am amazed at the miraculous process.

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